Using EP to manage student absence

Education Perfect is a strong remote learning tool, making it easy to manage student learning even when students are away from class.

This article covers key features that can help alleviate issues in this area.

Assign work 

Use EP to assign work to your students to be completed from home.

  • Tasks: Use this feature to assign lessons for students to work through.
  • Quizzes and Assessments: Use these features to set assessment-based work, where students need to adhere to exam conditions. Couple this with a video call to run remote exams on EP!
  • Use the parent email feature when assigning work to notify parents that work has been assigned.

Students can access EP using any computer or handheld device.

Real time monitoring

Use EP’s real time monitoring features to track student progress, and ensure students stay on task.

  • Monitor: Use this in an assigned Task to check students are on track. You’ll be shown when students complete certain parts of the lesson(s) assigned, or if they’re having any issues.
  • Full Screen Monitored Mode: In Assessments and Quizzes, you have access to this feature which tells you instantly if any students are off track or have exited Full Screen mode. 
    • Couple this with a video call to run remote exams on EP!

  • Who's online now: Enables you to see what students are working on on a wider level. Use this feature to see what students are working on at any given time. You can filter by subject, class, or activity. 
  • Send Cheers: Throughout the EP platform, you’ll see buttons to send Cheers to your students. This enables you to send a sticker accompanied by a short message, allowing you to send encouraging messages to your students in-app.

Track progress

Once you’ve assigned work to your students, you can see their progress and results within the Task, Assessment or Quiz that you’ve assigned.

Another option is to use the Insights tab to dive into a class or individual student’s progress. 

Here you’ll see a broad view of how much time has been spent on different activities, login information, overall accuracy and overall progress. 

This information is also filterable by timeframe and subject and is fully exportable.

Provide feedback

Depending on the type of work you have assigned, you’ll be able to give feedback on a completed piece of work. 

This is especially helpful for Extended Response type questions, where students are required to give a free text answer. 

Giving feedback in marking exmaple

Need a hand? Please feel free to contact us with any questions!

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