A detailed look at the Enrolment Portal, Resolving errors and FAQ
Our Enrolment Portal makes it easy to securely add classes to Education Perfect. Processing is quick, which means your students and teachers have access to EP as quickly as possible.
If you are looking for a basic guide which outlines the main steps required to use our Enrolment Portal, check out this guide.
Note: If your schools invite settings for students are not set to email and you aren’t able to provide email addresses for your students, you will not be able to utilise the Enrolment Portal at this time. You can review our other methods for enrolment here or reach out to our Support Team who will be able to assist.
This guide covers:
- Required Information
- Formatting your data
- Resolving Errors
- How can I add teachers to their required classes?
- What actions can I perform within the Enrolment Portal?
- What happens once my classes are enrolled?
- How can I update an existing class?
- How can I update existing user account details?
- Can I still utilise the Enrolment Portal if my school doesn’t use emails for our students?
- Exporting from your SIS/SMS
- What file types can the portal accept?
- Where is the data that we submit stored?
Required Information
Our Enrolment Portal requires specific information, depending on what you are trying to create. These fields are as follows:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Role (Teacher or Student)
- Class Name
- Class Code (Optional)
- Subjects
- Levels
What if I can’t get all of these details? Get in touch with your IT/Administration staff to get ahold of the info, otherwise, contact our team and we can help with alternative options.
Formatting your data
Things to note when creating your file are:
- Your file(s) needs to be of type .CSV or .XLSX.
- The maximum file size is 5 MB.
- Files with multiple ‘sheets’ or ‘tabs’ will only have data from the first sheet processed. Please include all data on one sheet, or include separate files for each sheet.
Student and Teacher creation
When creating new student and teacher accounts, always use school issued email addresses, don’t use personal email addresses.
- This will be the unique identifier our portal uses to match to an existing account. If students or teachers have an existing account, make sure you use the same associated email.
Example data for user creation is shown in the image below.
Class creation
- Ensure each class has a unique Class Name, otherwise students and teachers may end up in one class.
- Ensure every class has a Subject
- If a class's set subject is not recognised, you will be able to set one in the next step.
- Multiple subjects are supported when separated by a comma (e.g. English,History)
- Ensure every class has a Year/Grade Level populated (e.g. 7, Y7, Y7, Year 7, G7, Grade 7).
- If a class's set year/grade level is not recognised, you will be able to set one in the next step.
- Other accepted formats include P (prep) K (kindergarten), Tertiary, and Tutoring.
- Multiple year/grade levels are supported when separated by a comma (e.g. Y9,Y10)
- Class Code is an optional field and will act as the unique identifier.
- You can use this code within the portal if you are wanting to match to an existing class and update its details or the users associated with it. See more information relating to this in the section on updating existing classes and users below.
- A Class Code is often a combination of the associated year/grade level and subject and is often generated by your student information system.
- An example code can look like 07SCIA.
Example class data in the image below.
Class creation with users added
Combining both sets of data will enable you to create new classes or match to existing ones. You will also be able to add new or existing teachers and students to the classes you have provided.
- Ensure each row contains a single user and class.
- Important: If you are matching to an existing class via the Class Code, the data you provide within your sheet will be what is reflected against the class.
- For example if you had an existing Science class with 20 students in it and a set Class Code of 07SCIA. If you then uploaded a file with 10 students in the class with the Class Code of 07SCIA, the existing class would be updated to only contain those 10 students.
Example class and user data in the image below.
The images above are examples only; your data may look different.
Resolving Errors
Throughout the process of uploading your class and user data, you may run into various errors that need fixing before you can proceed. Errors will be grouped and can be filtered by each error chip at the top of the screen. This is to ensure your classes and users are created accurately and with all of the required information associated with them. Our portal also provides you with the ability to resolve these errors without needing to leave, all data can be edited in-line!
To assist in resolving these errors, you can reference the information below:
File Upload Errors
Unrecognised header(s) - You will receive this error upon uploading a file that contains headers that we are not expecting. A header refers to the data at the top of each of the columns in your data file. The portal will only accept files with headers that we expect, if you have any additional headers or columns of data outside of these, they will need to be removed before re-uploading. A reminder that these are as follows:
- UserID
- This is the EP generated ID
- First Name
- Last Name
- Role
- ClassID
- This is the EP generated ID
- Class Name
- Class Code
- Subjects
- Levels
Missing required header(s) - As mentioned above, we require certain headers depending on what you are trying to upload (Users or Classes & Users). If you are missing any of the required headers within your file, this particular error will let you know what you need to add in order to progress.
For more information on formatting your data correctly, see the formatting section above.
This file is not supported. File is empty - If you have uploaded a file that is completely empty with no data at all, you will receive this error.
This file is not supported. File contains headers but no data - If you have uploaded a file with only headers and no data within the columns, you will receive this error.
This file is not supported. File format not supported - If you have uploaded a file type that we don’t currently support, you will receive this error. Additionally if you have added any formatting to your file, you may also receive this error due to this.
Data Validation Errors
Duplicate user - This will occur when an email has been associated with multiple users. You will need to remove the email that has been flagged from one of the users and replace this with a unique one.
- An example of this error would be if the email example.student@test.com was provided for both Student A and Student B. As email is a unique identifier, this means it can only be associated with a single account.
Missing required data - When creating new teacher or student accounts, you are required to provide the below information. If you are missing any of these fields for the users included in your data, you will be required to add these before proceeding.
- First Name
- Surname
- Role
Invalid identifier - When providing an EP generated UserID in order to match to an existing account, you will receive this particular error message if the provided ID does not match the expected format. In order to resolve this, you will need to update the field with the correct Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) of the relevant user.
- The expected format for our EP generated UserID’s are 32 character UUID’s
- An example UUID is 3e51ccf3-bbdc-49ad-9a1b-cb4af72193c0
User not found - While the UserID provided matches the expected format, this error will occur when the ID does not match an existing account. You will need to check you have included the correct UserID and update this as required. If the user does not yet have an account and therefore doesn’t yet have an EP generated UserID, one will need to be created first.
Unsupported role - In order to create a new user we require input as to what role they should be created as. Currently our portal supports the below roles. If anything other than these are entered, you will receive this error. In order to resolve this, you can use the dropdown within the portal to add the correct role.
- Teacher
- Student
Role matching - When updating an existing user, you will not be able to change their set role. If you have matched to an existing user and have set a role that is different to what their account is currently set to, you will receive a Role does not match existing user error. In order to resolve this, you will need to set this to match the role of the existing user.
Class name error - There are two main reasons that you would receive this error.
- The first is when there is no name provided for your class. If this is the case, you will need to set a name within the portal to resolve the error.
- The second is when a name has been provided yet it exceeds our 100 character limit. In order to resolve this, you will need to update the class name to be less than 100 characters.
Invalid subject - There are two main reasons that you would receive this error:
- When the subject that has been provided against a class does not match what our platform currently supports.
- It’s possible that the wording of the provided is slightly different to what we are expecting.
- You can reference our expected subject information via the subject dropdown in the settings area of any class
- When there has been no subject provided at all.
In both cases, you will need to set the most relevant subject/s via the dropdown after uploading your file. Alternatively, you can correct the data in your original file and re-upload this to the portal.
Invalid level - This error message relates to the data that has been provided against the year/grade level for a class. You may receive this error if:
- You have not provided a year/grade level at all.
- The year/grade level you have provided is not supported.
- The format of the year/grade level you have provided is not recognised.
In all cases, you will need to set the most relevant year/grade level/s via the dropdown after uploading your file. Alternatively, you can correct the data in your original file and re-upload this to the portal.
Email domain - If you are trying to add a user with an email that does not match your schools Invite settings (see Edit Settings section of this guide), you will receive this particular Invalid domain for your school error. In order to resolve this, you will need to:
- Update the provided email to match your schools Invite settings
- Reach out to your EP School Administrator and ask them to add the relevant domain to your schools accepted email domains within Invite settings.
.XLSX related errors - If you have uploaded a .XLSX file type, there are several related errors that you may receive. These are as follows:
- Empty XLSX file - All worksheets in the file are empty.
- Multiple sheets provided - The workbook must contain exactly one worksheet.
- Merged cells in the header row - Merged cells are present in the header row and will need to be removed or unmerged.
- Merged cells in the data - The worksheet contains merged cells in rows: 3, 5, 64. These will need to be removed or unmerged.
- Invalid workbook format (i.e. XLS, or XLSM): Invalid workbook format and you will need to save this as a valid format (.CSV or .XLSX)
Malformed email - If you have included an email address within your data that is not complete or not a valid email address, you will receive this error message and will need to update the set email address for this user.
How can I add teachers to their required classes?
In order to assign teachers to their required classes within the Enrolment Portal, you will need to add these as separate rows of data in a similar fashion as you have for students.
The main difference will be that the Role type will be set to Teacher. If a teacher needs to be assigned to 3 separate classes for example, there will need to be 3 individual rows of data with each of the classes details. In the example data below, you can see we are creating 4 different classes, each with students and teachers added.
What actions can I perform within the Enrolment Portal?
Our Enrolment Portal can currently:
- Create new teacher and student accounts with emails provided
- Create new empty classes, ready for teachers to add students through to
- Create new classes and populate them with new or existing teachers and students (with emails provided)
- Update existing teacher and student account details
- Update existing class details (Subjects, Year/Grade Levels, Class Code)
- Update the users associated with an existing class
What happens once my classes are enrolled?
Once everything is complete, the classes and users within your file will appear in EP. You can view any user accounts within the People area of your school account. In order to view your classes or your schools classes, you can navigate to the classes dashboard within the platform.
For any new student and teacher accounts created with an email, we’ll send out an email inviting them to log in.
If you need to generate login details for your students, you can do so by following our guide.
How can I update an existing class?
If you are wanting to update the details or users associated with an existing class, you will need to provide the associated Class Code or EP generated ClassID in order for the portal to know what class to update.
An example of this would be if you had an existing Year 07 Science class with a Class Code of 07SCIA, if you wanted to update the users associated to this class within the portal, you would need to ensure you include the 07SCIA class code within your class data.
In the instance when you need to update the Class Codes on existing classes within the portal, you will need to provide the relevant EP generated ClassID in your file. Please reach out to our Support Team to assist with this for now as we work on building exports that contain this information.
If your school uses the same class codes between academic years or semesters, it's important that you first archive your classes that are no longer required. This will prevent any unwanted updates occurring to old classes rather than creating new versions as potentially desired.
How can I update existing user account details?
If you are wanting to update the details associated with an existing teacher or student, you will need to provide the user's Email or their EP generated UserID in order for our portal to know what user to update.
- If updating a users First or Surname, we recommend matching on the email associated with their account
- If updating a users Email, you will need to match on their EP generated UserID. Please reach out to our Support Team to assist with this for now as we work on building exports that contain this information.
Can I still utilise the Enrolment Portal if my school doesn’t use emails for our students?
Currently our new Enrolment Portal only supports schools that are utilising emails with their teacher and student accounts. Moving forward, we are looking into ways that we can provide support within our Enrolment Portal for schools that do not utilise emails.
Exporting from your SIS/SMS
One of the easiest ways to compile enrolment data is to export class lists from your school’s Student Information System (SIS) or Student Management System (SMS) as a spreadsheet, and then format it for enrolment.
We have guides available for commonly used systems:
- One School
- Assembly SMS
- Timetabling Solutions (The Timetabler)
- Edval (Version 9 and Version 10)
- Daymap
- IDAttend
- MUSAC Edge (NZ)
What file types can the portal accept?
The Enrolment Portal can accept .csv and .xlsx files with a maximum size of 5mb. Please note that all information must be contained to one sheet/tab per file in order to process correctly.
Files with selectable text (e.g. PDFs) and Word documents are not accepted.
Where is the data that we submit stored?
Submitted files are securely stored in our Sydney based Amazon Web Services server (S3) and are deleted after 1 day.
For our Canadian users, your files will be securely stored in our Canada based Amazon Web Services server (S3) and are deleted after 1 day.
The security and privacy of user data are important to us. Our Privacy Policy is available on our website.