Exporting class lists from Assembly SMS for Education Perfect

As covered in our Enrolment Portal guide, the most efficient way to get your classes and students enrolled onto Education Perfect is by uploading a file that contains data from your export to our new Enrolment Portal. Check out our handy templates within the portal that can be utilised.

Below are the steps for locating and exporting class lists for Education Perfect enrolment through Assembly SMS.

To export a student list from Assembly SMS, select Administration in the left-hand sidebar and then Reports.

Click on Export Reports to expand the section.

export reports section

Locate “Education Perfect Export” using the search box then click the printer icon.

printer icon button

Once you have done that, the report will load in a new tab. Click on the down arrow icon to export the report.

down arrow icon button

Select CSV as the format. Click Export to download the file.

export button

Use your exported files to populate one of our enrolment templates within the Enrolment Portal.

Once you populate one of our enrolment templates with your exported data and upload this to our new Enrolment Portal, you'll be able to instantly add classes, teachers and students to the platform. Check out Step 2 of the guide linked above for more information on the formatting requirements of our portal.

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