How to export class lists from Daymap
Schools are able to export data from Daymap that can be used to enrol students on Education Perfect. This will generate a CSV file that can be submitted to us for enrolment. This article explains how to retrieve this info.
First, you’ll need to be logged in to Daymap. Click Tools at the top of the page, then Import > Reporting Data.
If your version of Daymap looks different to the image below, use your left-hand sidebar to navigate to
Students > Student Information > Student Data Reports.
Under the Reporting Data Search section, select EdPerfect Report for the Source dropdown.
If EdPerfect does not appear as a data source, please reach out to for assistance.
In the dropdown where it says List students, choose Whole School.
Once you’ve retrieved your lists, they can be submitted to the EP Enrolment Portal.
The Enrolment Portal can instantly process files that are submitted in a specific format. For this to occur, you may need to rearrange some of the data in your spreadsheet.
Alternatively, drop your files into the portal as is and, when prompted, click Submit to Support team. Our team will be in touch as soon as your submission has been manually processed.