A guide to EP’s new Enrolment Portal

In this Article:

Our Enrolment Portal makes it easy to securely add classes to Education Perfect. Processing is quick, which means your students and teachers have access to EP as quickly as possible.

This enrolment method is suitable for school-wide enrolments, single classes, student account creation, teacher account creation and everything in between! You’ll even be able to update existing classes and account details. Follow the simple steps below to get your classes up and running.

Watch this video for a quick rundown.

Step 1: Accessing the Enrolment Portal

Start by logging in to your EP account. If you don’t yet have one, reach out to your EP school administrator or contact our Support Team.

Once logged in, you can access the Enrolment Portal by clicking the Add dropdown from the classes dashboard and then Enrol using a spreadsheet. Alternatively, you can click on your profile in the bottom left hand corner and then School account. From here you will be able to access the Enrolments area.

Step 2: Gather information & Format your data

Before you submit class lists, format your data in a way that the Enrolment Portal can process instantly.

From the Enrolment portal, you can download templates to help organize your data, ready for upload. Find these here:

You aren’t required to use our templates, but your uploaded file must include all of the fields that are displayed in the template.

For example, you can export enrolment details from your school’s SIS/SMS, and edit the column headers to match our requirements. Then, upload that file within the portal. See our section on exporting here.

For a more in-depth description on how to format your data, see this section here.

Step 3: Submit

Once you have filled out one of our templates, or formatted your own file you can now drag & drop your file, or click Browse files. 

If your submission is formatted correctly and there are no errors with the data provided, you should see a screen similar to the below with the option to complete your enrolment. You’ll also notice various chips displayed at the top of your screen, you can use these to filter down to specific groups of users or classes (e.g. New students, New classes).

Once you click Complete enrolment, you will be redirected back to the Enrolments tab of your school where you should see a successful entry in the table. Your classes and users will also have been created/updated at this stage. We’ll email any new students or teachers (if we have their emails) to invite them to log in.

If something’s not quite right with your file or there are errors that need to be fixed, you will see a screen similar to the below. You’ll be able to update and fix any errors in-line within the portal before re-syncing to load the updated data. Once all errors are resolved and the data has been re-synced, you should then get the option to Complete your enrolment.

Check out the Resolving Errors section of this guide for more information on each error and how these can be resolved.

If you find yourself stuck and are unable to figure out how to resolve the errors presented to you, please contact our Support Team and include details of the specific errors you are receiving.

Next Steps

Once your classes are up and running, you can:

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