Supporting senior students using EP

There are many ways to use Education Perfect's resources, and in this article, we'll focus on teaching and learning on EP for senior students!

Senior classrooms present additional challenges and opportunities. The curriculum is crowded, class time is limited, and students need to demonstrate that they have met the standards and outcomes of the course. Exam preparation and revision are increasingly important in senior years. We'll explore several techniques below.

Flipped learning

Use EP to assign a Task as homework that covers your particular concept or topic, and then cover more complex questions in class.

You can assign specific sections of an EP Smart Lesson, such as the Information Slides and Automatically-marked questions. This way, students can focus on content and lower order questions at home. 

Then, assign the Extended Response sections during class time or use them to promote class discussion about the topic.

assign specific sections

Use EP Tasks and Assessments to support different levels of learning

When students have struggled with a formal Assessment, using EP’s Tasks and Assessments can help those students demonstrate learning without the requirement of customisation (and time spent) by the teacher. 

A revision Task followed by a short assessment will give visibility of a student’s progress and the system will automatically recommend further work if required.

Analysis and recommendations section

Revision content

Students have independent access to content on EP to use as a revision resource. They can access all content from their course, including from previous senior years, and years prior. 

All they need to do is navigate to the subject, and Browse all content.

Browse all content in the student zone

Students won't be able to see any content that's been hidden by teachers.

Teachers can use Pre-Built Assessments, or build custom Assessments to use in class revision and exam preparation. When creating content, teachers can import questions from other existing content in the EP Content Library, saving time.

Use EP to alleviate student absence

EP offers a variety of features that can help teachers manage remote learning when students are absent from class. Some helpful options include:

See our full article for more information.

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