How do I create a Pre-Built Exam?

Use Education Perfect to create your own custom assessment! This enables you to streamline the marking process and use our automatic marking tools, and easily collate and compare results!

Getting Started

Start by heading to the Library tab. Then within the My Content or My School's Content area, click into the drop-down menu and click Exam.

For information on creating other types of content, check out our articles:

Import existing questions

You can add questions from existing lessons and exams on EP. Click + Add Existing Questions.

Add Existing Questions button highlighted by an arrow

This will open your Content Library. Locate the content that you would like to import questions from, tick your desired sections, and then click Confirm Selection.

You can then edit the imported questions as desired.

selecting specific sections when importing existing Qs

Question Types

To create your own slides, select which type of section you'd like to add. There are three section types, and they can all be assigned together in the same exam.

For a full breakdown of the section types and their related components, check out our full article.

Automatically Marked

These components are marked by the system as soon as an exam is completed. You can choose to switch to manual marking at the bottom of each slide if you prefer, but you can always manually override marks once the exam has been completed.

For exams consisting solely of automatically marked questions, you can choose whether or not to release results to students immediately.

Window showing the Automatically Marked question creation options

Automatic Partial Marking

Components that can be automatically marked can also be automatically partially marked.

For example: If a student answers 3 out of 4 Fill in the Gaps questions correctly, they are awarded 3 marks out of 4. 

Working Formula components cannot be automatically partially marked; students will only be marked correct or incorrect. Partial marks can still be awarded for Working Formula questions manually, however.

Component type: Supports Automatic Partial Marking?
Multi-choice Questions These questions are ideal for short-quizzes. Yes
Fill in the Gaps
These questions are perfect for testing how well students understand a passage of text or a topic. Yes
These questions allow students to pick the correct answer out of a passage of text. Yes
These questions allow you to ask students questions about specific parts of a passage of text. Yes
Working Formula
You can insert line-by-line working that can be auto-marked. You can also add alternative answers and dynamically changing variables. No

Manually Marked

Manually marked questions require you to mark answers that students submit. This can be helpful for marking against a marking schedule or example answer.

Window showing the Manually Marked question creation options

Long Answer Questions This component allows students to input a free text answer. This can be useful for writing of any length - short responses, or essays.
Sound Recorder Great for testing vocabulary pronunciation!
These questions are ideal for questions that involve the drawing of diagrams as well as questions that test students' ability to identify objects within an image.
This component is used to allow students to submit external files as their answers.

Information Slides

Information Slides are designed to allow teachers to add additional media for students to respond to. This could include a passage of text; a video; or a piece of audio. There are various templates to choose from.

Window showing the Info Slide creation options

Information & Media components
Use these components to inform students of the information or requirements of the exam.
Annotated Text
This feature is great for elaborating on points or making hints.
Adding Media
This allows teachers to include sound, pictures, or videos to help engage students or to be used as question prompts.

Additional Options

Most slides allow you the freedom of choosing from different layouts and adding additional descriptions to them. Marking options can be found at the bottom of each slide.

Marking options at the bottom of a slide


As well as switching between Automatic and Manual marking, you can select how many points a question is worth — simply type the number of points in the Score field at the bottom of the page.

Grading options at the bottom of a slide highlighted by an arrow

To change from a percentage based to a grading based system (NCEA marking), click More Settings, then Grading options.

Grading options highlighted by an arrow in the More Settings dropdown menu

Choose Grading based.

Dialogue box showing the grading method options

Assessment Options

Under Settings, you can update the Assessment Options.

Arrow highlighting the More Settings dropdown menu

There you will be able to edit the title of the exam, the grading, and the time allowed.

Use the Advanced options button to access settings to Hide question names and Enable basic calculator.

Dialogue box showing the Assessment options, with the Hide question names box highlighted by an arrow

Analysis tags

Analysis tags help to break assessment reporting into categories, and can also be used in diagnostic testing to automatically assign performance-based remedial work.

To add tags to slides, simply click the Add tag button at the bottom of the page and type in a keyword. Click Add content to add related content to a particular tag. See our full guide on adding analysis tags here.

Create Analysis Tag dialogue box


Once an assessment has been completed, answers will be categorised by the analysis tags that you've given each question.

If your students have already started the assessment and you haven't yet added analysis tags, you can still do this through our Limited Exam Editor - check out our guide on how to do this here


Arrange questions into sections to help keep things organised and determine the order in which groups of questions are presented to students. Different question types must also be stored in separate sections.

Assign marks or analysis tags for an entire section at once, and choose whether to only ask a portion of those questions!

Dialogue box with options for assigning questions

Don't forget to save your assessment as you go along!

Once you're done, you may want to assign the assessment to your students.

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