Getting Started: Add classes on EP

Now that you're familiar with your account, the next step is to add classes to EP.

Add my classes

There are several ways to enrol classes on EP. Below we've outlined some of the quickest and easiest:

Class Join Codes

Create a class on EP, and then pass the related Class Join Code(s) (or the invite link) to the student(s) you wish to enrol.

Students then enter that code on the login page to add themselves to the class.

Students will need a school email address to use this option.

EP Enrolment Portal

Use the EP Enrolment Portal to import a spreadsheet of students. Entire classes can be enrolled instantly.

Learn more about the EP Enrolment Portal

Google Classroom Sync

Use our purpose-built integration to quickly and easily import classes (your school needs to be already using Google Classroom, and opt in to using this feature).

Learn more about Google Classroom Sync

Add many classes (including for other teachers)

EP offers several bulk enrolment options, making it easy to have multiple classes (or an entire school) up and running quickly.

EP Enrolment Portal

The EP Enrolment Portal can quickly process large amounts of student data in spreadsheet format.

Navigate to the Enrolment Portal, and use the View template button to check what information is required. You can also download this template, so you can easily fill in the information!

If may be easier to export data from your school's Student Management System (SMS/SIS), then format it for enrolment.

Once you're ready, drop your file(s) into the portal for processing. Your files will be checked, and you'll be prompted to Import classes.


Use one of our purpose-built integrations to set up a large group of classes at once! Click to learn more:

What's next? Once students are enrolled, let’s set some work!

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