Languages: NCEA Portfolio Spaces
We have created an online space where students are able to manage their own portfolio work.
Students submit writing and speaking work, get feedback and then are able to improve their work for final submission.
Teachers are able to track what the students have done, leave feedback on their work and also mark their final submission. Teachers are also able to store the assessment work in this space and then simply download it if required for external moderation.
This article only applies to Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Spanish and Māori.
Where to find our NCEA Portfolio spaces
- Log in to Education Perfect.
- Click on the Content tab.
- Select the language of your choice.
- Click on the NCEA folder at the bottom of the content library.
- Click on NCEA portfolio spaces.
How to use these spaces
- Assign the lesson allocated for each portfolio as a task for your students. Click here for more information on how to assign a task.
- Talk through the task with your students.
- Provide students with guidance on the topics that they should be doing for their assessment - you can either add this into the lesson (click here for information on how to edit the lesson) or provide this information to students separately. You can also adapt Languages in Action writing and speaking tasks for this too.
- Students to complete the piece of writing or speaking and then upload it to the assessment space.
- Teacher to provide feedback on what the students have submitted. Click here for information on how to give feedback. Make sure once you have given feedback you click on the require resubmission button which will allow students re-work and re-submit.
- Students to re-work their writing or speaking if they choose to based on the teacher's feedback and then re-submit.
- Teachers to mark the final piece of work. For NZQA marking purposes you will still need to complete the NZQA mark sheet with the assessment schedule outside of our system.
- If you are required to send work for external moderation, you can download the work that students have submitted by clicking on the download button.
These portfolio spaces are not NZQA moderated. They are simply a workspace for students to upload their portfolio work to Education Perfect, receive feedback, and then submit their final submission for marking. Teachers will need to give students more information on what specific tasks to complete for each portfolio.