Shifting away from our old Manage classes & users area

As you may have already noticed, we’ve been busy creating a new and improved area where teachers can view and manage their classes and students. We are now at a point where we can fully utilise this new area and look to decommission the old. This guide will help to clarify how you are able to access the same core pieces of class and user management functionality within our new area.

In this guide:

Available Now




Adding new students and classes Via the main Manage Classes area using the ‘Add Student’ and ‘Add Classes’ buttons. Clicking the ‘Add’ dropdown from the All Classes dashboard, then using the ‘Students’ or ‘Create a class’ buttons respectively.
Adding an existing student to a class Via the ‘Add Student’ button from within a class. Clicking into a class and navigating to the People area. Using the ‘Add’ button to search for existing accounts.
Adding a new student to a class Via the ‘Add Student’ button from within a class. Clicking into a class and navigating to the People area. Using the ‘Add’ button and then ‘Create a student account’ button to create a new one.
Removing a student from a class By selecting a student/s from within a class and using the ‘Remove from this class’ button. Clicking into a class and navigating to the People area. Using the trash can button to remove any particular student.
Adding/Removing a teacher from a class Clicking into a class and accessing the Settings area. Clicking into a class and navigating to the People area. Clicking the 3 dots beside a teachers account and selecting ‘Remove from class’.
Resetting a students password Via the ‘Reset’ button within a class or clicking into an account using ‘Reset password’. Clicking into a class and navigating to the People area. Upon clicking on the desired student, you will be able to use the ‘Reset password’ button.
Updating an accounts details By clicking into an account and editing any given field. Clicking into a class and navigating to the People area. Upon clicking on the desired student, you will be able to update any given field.
Archiving a class Clicking the settings button on a class and using the ‘Archive Class’ button. Clicking into a class and navigating to the Settings area. Here you’ll be able to use the ‘Archive’ button.
Activating a class Accessing the ‘Archived’ section of classes, clicking the settings button on the class and then ‘Unarchive class’. From the All Classes dashboard, click over to the Archived section of classes. Use the ‘Activate’ button.
Updating details of a class Clicking into a class and accessing the Settings area. Clicking into a class and navigating to the Settings area. Here you’ll be able to update the name, subject and year level associated with a class.
Accessing the Class join code Clicking into a class. Clicking into a class and navigating to the People area. Clicking the ‘Add’ button and then shifting over to the Link or join code section.
Searching for accounts in your school Using the search bar to find certain accounts. At the All Classes dashboard, click your name in the bottom left corner and then School account. Click the People area and use the Search bar.
Re-syncing your Google Classroom managed class Clicking into the class and using the ‘Sync class’ button. Clicking into a class and navigating to the Settings area. Use the ‘Sync’ button within the Integration section.
Viewing what licence is applied to a class Clicking into a class and accessing the Settings area. At the All Classes dashboard, click your name in the bottom left corner and then School account. Click the Subscriptions area and select which subscriptions to view (Only accessible by your school admin).
Multi-select users in order to reset their password Selected desired students and used the reset password option. Select desired students within the People area of a class and use the 'Reset passwords' option.
Viewing student payment status Teachers accessing their class to view a students payment status where applicable Clicking into an applicable class where students are paying individually, you can view payment statuses within the People area.

Useful guides:

You might find these handy in navigating the changes listet in this help guide:

Coming Soon

There are certain pieces of functionality that we haven’t re-built just yet however we know how important they are. Please review the below table to find information on when we plan to build this into the new area.



Exporting class and student lists Will be reviewed in Q1 2025.
User centric class management Will be reviewed in Q1 2025.
Updating the LTI ID field on user accounts Will be re-built in 2025. If you need these fields updated on your student accounts, please reach out to our Support Team.
Updating the Parent Email field on user accounts Will be re-built in 2025. If you need these fields updated on your student accounts, please reach out to our Support Team.
Updating Academic Year on a class Will be re-built in 2025.
Who’s Online Will be reviewed in 2025.
Multi-selecting classes for to archive/un-archive Will be reviewed in 2025

Have we missed something? Please reach out to our Support Team if you notice something is missing that you’d like to see in our new Classes area.

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