Introducing EP’s new School Account area
We’ve recently launched our new School Account area! We’re adding functionality to give teachers and school leaders greater insight and control, and enable them to manage specific settings. Read on to learn more about what’s available and what’s to come.
In this article
What’s happening?
We’ve introduced a totally new feature on EP – the School Accounts area. This area gives teachers the ability to see key details about the school, see what settings have been applied, and view and manage accounts.
We’ve also launched a new role type on EP – School Administrators! These users have extended permissions in the School Accounts area, covered here.
What can I do in the School Account area?
First, you need to be in our new Teacher Interface. Here, click on your profile name, and then select School account.
This will open up a new tab in the school account area.
Your details
Your details page shows your username, first name, last name, email and status. Teachers and School Administrators can reset their passwords from here.
Reset password
Click the Reset password and the Reset Password dialog box appears. Click Send reset password email to continue.
An email with the reset password link is sent. Follow the steps to reset password.
Student passwords can be reset from the People page.
School Details
You’ll first be taken to the Details tab for your school. Here you’ll see key information like school name, location, and the username template your school uses. This information is editable by School Administrators.
The Settings tab shows a number of settings options, with your school’s current settings. This includes whether cheers or scoreboards are enabled for students, and whether teachers can share content externally. Invite settings for teachers and students can be configured from here. This information is editable by School Administrators.
The People tab shows all EP accounts for your school. Here you can filter by role and status, and invite new teachers or students. Clicking into a user takes you to their profile where you can edit some of their details, like name and email. You can also reset teacher and student passwords from here.
Invite teachers and students
In the People page of the accounts area, School administrators and teachers can invite both teachers and students.
Click Invite, and select Teachers, the Add teachers dialog box appears.
In the Add teachers dialog box, enter the teacher details. Note that the settings configured are by the School administrator, where the accepted domains and invite instructions are given.
Follow same steps for inviting students by clicking Invite, select Students.
Enter the first name, last name and email address. Click Add.
Repeat to add multiple teachers/students. The teachers/ students are added to the list below.
You can edit the teacher/student details by simply clicking the list name at the bottom and edit, it automatically saves the details.
Click Send invite(s).
Please note:
- Email addresses entered must be listed in the accepted domains
- First name/ last name cannot be blank
Reset password for students with email address
In the People page, open the profile of a student that needs a password reset.
Click Reset password and the Reset password dialog box appears. Click Send reset password email to continue.
An email with the reset password link is sent to the student. They’ll need to follow the steps to reset their password.
Reset password for students with no email address
In the People page, open the profile of the student that needs a password reset. The Student details page appears. Click Generate temporary password.
The Reset password dialog box appears with a temporary password that the student can use. Teacher can copy this password and hand it over to the student.
Deactivate a teacher or a student
These functions can only be undertaken by a School Administrator. Get in touch if you believe this should be you at your school. The deactivate option allows you to disable access to the teacher or student in a scenario where the teacher or student has left the school. You can always reactivate these accounts when required.
In the People page, open the profile of the teacher or student that needs to be deactivated. The profile details page appears. Click Deactivate.
The Deactivate confirmation dialog box appears to confirm the action. Click Deactivate.
The account is now deactivated.
Note that deactivating a teacher or student will remove them from all classes.
Reactivate a teacher or a student
You can always reactivate deactivated accounts when required.
In the People page, open the profile of the teacher or student that needs to be reactivated. The profile details page appears. Click Reactivate.
The Reactivate confirmation dialog box appears to confirm the action. Click Reactivate.
The account is now reactivated, however please note that the teacher/ student must be added to the class manually.
Student reactivation confirmation follows with a step to add them to a class. Click the Classes & students area to view classes the student can be added to.
If you reactivate a teacher or student, you will need to add them into a class.
Alternatively, you can access Classes & students area in the details page to view classes the student can be added to.
School Administrators
The new School Accounts area provides access to functionality for School Admins. This is a new user type for school staff, and is tailored towards IT departments or administrators, and provides new functionality to manage the school’s account. See more about this new role here.
School admins are able to manage their school’s subscription as well as having access to a new reporting area, which gives insights to how your school uses EP.
More functions for school admins are coming to this area soon!
We’re continuing to improve the School Accounts area, and we’d love your feedback! Let us know your thoughts by using the red Feedback tab in EP. |
For any questions, contact our team.