How can EP assist with Inclusion?
Australian schools are required by law to provide evidence of adjustments to learning programs to make them accessible to students identified as requiring additional support. The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD) outlines the collation of evidence across four key areas.
Education Perfect is able to support schools with adjustments to resources, assessment of student needs, and collation of evidence in the following ways:
Assessing individual needsEducation Perfect can provide support in the following ways: 1. Through a comprehensive Assessments platform capable of automatically marking student work and providing detailed analysis of results. Completed assessments can also be printed should a hard copy be required. 2. Pre-built diagnostic and placement tests. 3. Automatic assessment remediation based on students’ individual deficits, creating a personalised learning pathway. 4. The ability to compare results between multiple assessments to measure intervention and gauge growth over time. |
Determining individual adjustmentsEducation Perfect can provide support in the following ways: 1. Provide a record of educational interventions through the Insights tab. 2. Offer individualised learning and assessment with comprehensive differentiation options. The ability to select content at any year level also caters for students who may require simpler tasks. 3. In-platform support with text-to-speech, spell check, calculator, verbal feedback, keyboard navigation, 200% zoom & more. 4. Adjustments to learning materials made easy with full content authoring tools through EP Studio. This allows teachers to record narration for things like PDF documents where text-to-speech isn’t an option. Teachers can also replace long answer written components with voice recorder options or the file uploader for video, hand written responses, typed documents etc. All of these submissions can then be downloaded and provided as evidence for adjustments where needed. EP Studio also enables teachers to enlarge and bolden fonts, change colour schemes and much more. 5. Automatic assessment remediation to support personalised learning. 6. Ability to create learning groups. |
Monitoring & reviewEducation Perfect can provide support in the following ways: 1. By providing comprehensive student progress data through the Insights tab, Task progress reports and Assessments analysis. All of this data is exportable to either CSV or PDF. 2. Offering behaviour monitoring data via the real-time Live Feed option within Tasks and the Monitor option within Assessments, personalised reporting through the Insights tab and Task progress reports and options for student feedback. 3. Evidence of intervention over time through the Insights tab. The Compare Results option within Assessments can be used to measure the effectiveness of this intervention. |
Consultation & collaborationEducation Perfect can provide support in the following ways: 1. All reports in the Insights tab are exportable to CSV or PDF to send or show to caregivers. 2. Caregivers will soon be able to log in to their own dashboard to monitor progress and retrieve results with the Parent Dashboard and mobile app. |
If you’d like to know more about the ways in which EP can support your staff with accessibility and inclusion, book a time with one of our Teacher Consultants via our support team here.