How do I compare the results of two Assessments?

You can compare the results of any two assessments to track your students’ learning growth. 

This feature enables you to:

  • Conduct a pre-test and post-test to track improvements in student achievements over the course of a topic
  • Identify areas where your class as a whole has grown, and areas which require further attention
  • Measure the effectiveness of specific classroom interventions

The comparison provides the most value if the two assessments you are comparing are similar, but you can compare any two assessments which are percentage-based. 

Accessing the Comparison Report

Open the Assessments tab and click on the Report tab of the first assessment you want to compare. Next, click Compare Results.

Compare Results

Choose the second assessment in the comparison. We show the overlap between the students involved and the content of the assessment to give an indication of which comparisons will give useful results.

Choose a similar Assessment

Interpreting the Comparison Report

The comparison report summarises the results for the group, the spread of results for the two tests, compares individual students’ scores in the two tests, and compares the cohort’s results on specific analysis tags or skills.

Group results

The first graphs compare the mean (average) results of the students in the assessment as a whole and indicate the level of improvement, including whether the improvement is statistically significant.

Only students who completed both assessments are included in these results, meaning the average score may vary from what is shown on the analysis tab of one of the assessments individually.

The box and whisker chart shows the spread of student results across the class and compares across the two Assessments. Each section of the chart shows the range of scores for 25% of the cohort. Smaller segments indicate that the quartile of the cohort’s scores were tightly grouped. 

For more information on how to interpret box and whisker charts, see here.

example of a comparison report

Next is the Comparison of grade distribution chart, which shows how many students achieved each score band in the two tests, grouped into 10% increments.

example of comparison of grade distribution chart

Student results

For each student, we compare their grades in the two tests and show the change in score between the two tests. 

Any students who didn’t complete both assessments are excluded from the table by default. Toggle between Show all students and Show included students only to adjust who is included.

student results table

Analysis/Skill Breakdown

Assessments may cover multiple skills, which can be identified using Analysis Tags. Skills that are included in both assessments will be compared here to show the change in students’ understanding.

Skills only tested in one assessment are excluded from the table by default. At the bottom of the table, you can toggle between Show all analysis groups and Show included analysis groups only to adjust what is included.

Changes that are statistically significant (p < 0.05) are shown with an icon. 

Exporting information

You’ll see the option to Export whole table as CSV on all tables in this report.

student results export example

analysis export example

To export the entire page (including charts), click Print at the very top. You can print this page, or save as a PDF.

Print the comparison

For any questions, please reach out to our team.

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