Getting Started on Education Perfect (for parents!)

Congratulations, you have successfully logged into EP! Now it’s time to get started with locating the lessons and quizzes your child’s teacher has assigned.

Getting Started

When your child logs in to Education Perfect for the first time, they need to click on one or more of the subject tiles to get started, and click Done. 

Look for the subjects without a padlock and select these!

You will only need to complete this step once.

GIF showing selecting students, clicking done, and highlighting work that's due

You will now be able to see the student dashboard and access any task or assessment the teacher has assigned to them, either for in-class work or as homework.

Locating Tasks & Assessments

Click on the Tasks & Assessments button to access the tasks and assessments that the teacher has assigned to your child. 

Tasks and assessments are sorted by the expected completion date, making it easy for your child to prioritise their required work.

Click on the lesson and then the green Start button to get underway.

gif showing clicking into a task and completing it

Alternatively, your child can access the assigned lessons and quizzes from the student dashboard. 

Look for the Due Soon notification to prioritise the assigned work.

highlighting where to find the due soon text

Another option is for your child to click on the notification bell at the top right of the screen to access Tasks or Assessments or to review any feedback the teacher has given on completed work.

notifications tab showing what's been assignd

Other sections of the Student Zone

  • Learning Record: This tab shows a record of everything your child has been assigned. Click on any tile to review and revise or to complete any outstanding work.
  • Competitions: Click on the Competitions tab to see any upcoming competitions. These may be official Education Perfect events or school-based competitions.

Need help? Please reach out to your child's teacher for assistance.

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