Using Education Perfect to prepare for the NAPLAN Numeracy tests

Education Perfect has developed original NAPLAN Numeracy practice material to help in both identifying and remedying each student’s individual strengths and weaknesses.

EP positively impacts NAPLAN results! Analysis of NAPLAN results against use of EP shows a clear correlation between schools that use EP and their average NAPLAN score when compared against schools that don’t use the platform, and a distinct further increase for schools that are highly engaged.

We found that the more schools use EP, the better the NAPLAN results. Schools using EP see greater learning growth from Year 7 to Year 9.

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In this article

For information on EPs Literacy preparation material, see Using Education Perfect to prepare for the NAPLAN Literacy tests.

Available content

Our NAPLAN Numeracy module contains three folders of activities for Years 5, 7, and 9:

compare assessments

  • NAPLAN Pre and Post Tests: These are assessments created by the EP team in the style of NAPLAN tests.

    – When completed, pre-tests will give you a breakdown of each student’s abilities and recommend remedial tasks from the NAPLAN Resources folder. 

    – Once the students have learned the topic, they can sit post-tests; the results of which are intended to be compared with those of the initial pre-tests, so that you’re able to grasp how much your students have improved across different topics.

  • NAPLAN Resources: These are Smart Lessons that teach the skills tested by NAPLAN, such as Linear Patterns and Rules. These activities contain a combination of information slides to teach the skills, and questions to test student understanding.
  • NAPLAN Practice: These are Smart Lessons containing a bank of sample questions that students can use to practice their skills.

Preparing for the NAPLAN Assessments

Set a diagnostic test

To help prepare your students for the NAPLAN assessments, we recommend the following workflow: 

  1. Set a diagnostic pre-test from the NAPLAN Pre and Posts Tests folder (for more information, see How do I set a pre-built assessment?).
  2. Have your students sit the test. You can monitor their progress and ensure they stay focused during the test by using EP’s monitored assessment mode (for more information, see How do I monitor my assessment?).
  3. Once the test is complete, it will be automatically marked for you. Use the analysis provided to get an indication of your class’ skill level, then assign our automatically generated recommendations to give each student a differentiated course of work targeted at their needs. For more information on doing this, see How do I assign remedial tasks to students after an assessment?.
  4. After the students have learned the recommended activities, set up a post-test. Once the results for that have been finalised, you’ll be able to compare the pre and post tests to see how much the students have improved, as well as what areas they may still have trouble with.

Assign a Quiz

In addition to setting a pre-built diagnostic test from the NAPLAN Pre and Post Tests, you can also assign a Quiz from any of the learning material in EP. This allows you to select the specific content you want to include in the test. 

For example, you could assign a Quiz based on just the Algebra Practice and Number Practice lists in the NAPLAN Practice folder or based on any of the EP learning material tied to the Australian Curriculum/NSW Syllabus. For more information, see How do I create and assign a Quiz?.

Assign a Task for in-class work or homework

If you already know the areas your students need support in, you can skip running the diagnostic tests and immediately choose tasks to assign to your students, including being able to create a differentiated learning plan for each student. 

You can assign any of the EP-created NAPLAN content, or any of the EP learning material tied to the Australian Curriculum/NSW Syllabus. For more information, see Assigning a task.

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