How do I update student and teacher details?

You can update details for your students and colleagues without the need for contacting Education Perfect support. 

If your school is integrated with Wonde, your classes and accounts are managed via your school’s Student Management System. Find out more here.

We’re currently making some updates to the EP teacher interface. Until this area is updated, some actions (including setting LTI ID's and Parent Emails) will need to be completed via our Support Team. Please reach out to us with the relevant details at

Updating student accounts

From a class:

To update student details, navigate to a class in your dashboard that the student is assigned to – this can be one of yours, or if they are assigned to a class you’re not, you can find this under All Classes and filtering to see your whole school’s classes:

Click into the required class and then over to the People section.

Click into the desired student profile where you can update all of their details.

Edit the details of their student, including name and email. Click Save changes to confirm your changes. You can also reset their password from this area.

From the School’s Accounts area:

Click on your initials in the bottom-left of the page to open the pop-up menu. Select School Account.

Accessing the Accounts area

In the next screen, navigate to the People area of the school, and use the filters to search for your student – change Role to student and whether they are active (currently assigned to a class on EP) or inactive (not assigned to any classes)

Filter to Student in the People area

Search for your student, click on their name when it shows in the search results, and you’ll be taken to their profile page to update their details.

Update a student's details

If many students need details to be updated, you can do this easily yourself via our enrolment portal. You can find more information to do with this here.

Alternatively our team can help action this for you in bulk. You’ll need to send us the details at

Please include identifying information (name and either email, username or student ID) so we know who to update.

Updating teacher accounts

To update a teacher’s account, you’ll need to search for them the school’s Accounts area.

Click on your initials in the bottom-left of the page to open the pop-up menu. Select School Account.

Accessing the Accounts area

In the next screen, navigate to the People area of the school, and use the filters to search for the staff member.

Filter to find teachers

Click on their name to see their profile page and update their details there!

Update a teachre's details

Just be sure to click Save Changes.

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