How do I assign work for individual students?

Assigning work to individual students makes it easy to differentiate your classroom, or to prevent a student who is out of the classroom from being assigned an in-class task.

  • The following guide is also relevant to Assessments.

Getting Started

Navigate to the Tasks section of your dashboard and click the + Assign button.

Click Assign to assign a Task or Assessment

Next, choose the type of Task you’d like to assign.

You will need to assign the task to six or more students to enable Peer Review. For more information on assigning Peer Review Tasks, read through our article: How do I assign Peer Review lessons to students?

select task type

Individual Students

In the Select classes and students section, select your class. Then, click the Assign to specific students button.

If your chosen class isn’t visible, try using the Search Classes search bar or toggle between My Classes and All Classes. The All Classes option will display all the classes registered at your school.

Assigning to specific students

Tick the student(s) you wish to assign the task to (for a small group of students, it can be faster to click Unselect all and then tick the specific users you want to complete the work).

If your chosen students aren’t visible, try using the Search Students search bar below the list.

Searching for specific students

Fill out the following sections as you normally would when assigning a task and click the Assign button when complete.

Specific groups of students

Are you often assigning work to specific groups of students (outside of their class cohort)? You’re able to set up additional classes on EP so that you can select that group’s “class”, instead of ticking each individual student every time.

To set up your group, navigate to the Classes tab of your Teacher Dashboard. 

Click Create Class. Type your group name, then select the year level and subject area that applies (use the same details as the students’ original class). 

It helps to make sure the group (Class) is labelled clearly (with all identifiers – academic year, year level, subject, teacher name, class & group identifiers) so that it’s not unintentionally archived.

Adding a new class

Click Add Class, and you’ll be taken to the class edit screen. 

From here, go ahead and add the students that you wish to include (you could also generate a Class Join Code to hand out to the students in the group!).

All done! Now you can assign your Task as normal, and select your group when prompted.

Add or remove students from your group whenever you need to by following the instructions in our guide.

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