How does EP support Numeracy?

Education Perfect is committed to developing a co-constructed online numeracy resource that facilitates numeracy improvement across the curriculum.

EP provides teachers and students with access to Smart Lessons, Lists, Assessments, and Competitions that focus on building a student’s ability to develop logical and critical thinking, reasoning, solve problems, see patterns, and interpret data in different subjects across the curriculum.

Primary Numeracy

EP provides multiple numeracy modules from Year 4 (Australia) and Year 5 (NZ and schools outside of ANZ) onwards to help develop student skills and track and facilitate learning. 

Lessons on estimation, measurement, calculations, patterns, and more provide you with a source of questions that target numeracy development in an interactive and engaging way. 

Using pre- and post-tests, you are able to comparatively analyse student progress. Automatic recommendations help you to take the next step and provide targeted attention to students, so they each develop their own learnings and feel confident to effectively use mathematics. 

Click to view our Primary Numeracy resources.

NAPLAN (Australia)

EP has developed original Year 5 NAPLAN Numeracy practice materials to help in both identifying and remedying each student's individual strengths and weaknesses. View our NAPLAN numeracy resources or learn more by visiting our dedicated help guide.

Secondary Numeracy

A range of EP functions and features offer key resources to support secondary learners in their numeracy learning. 

Click each header below to learn more.

Being able to transfer numeracy skills into a range of different contexts is important to support students in their learning. 

This folder contains activities that explore numeracy skills in fun and engaging ways including ‘Hands On Activities’ and ‘Real World Investigations’, along with a folder on ‘Applications of Mathematics’ and ‘Core Concepts’. 

View our Contextual Activities resources.

Repetition of numeracy skills contributes to purposeful memorisation, with a view to further application in defining new concepts, proving theorems, and solving problems. 

This folder contains a wide range of Smart Lessons that contain automatically marked questions focus on one particular mathematical concept. These are created using variables, providing students with a huge range of questions to continue to practise and therefoingre master these skills with the support of the automatic feedback system within EP. 

The skills in this section are ideal for maintenance and mastery alongside their usual learning programmes. View our Mathematical Skills resources.


Education Perfect has developed original Year 7 and 9 NAPLAN Numeracy practice materials to help in both identifying and remedying each student's individual strengths and weaknesses. 

View our NAPLAN numeracy resources or learn more by visiting our dedicated help guide.

Numeracy involves understanding and applying mathematical knowledge and skills in a wide range of contexts. To assist teachers to support students with General Capabilities in numeracy, we have organised lessons into folders covering the six interrelated elements in the learning continuum. 

View our General Capabilities Numeracy resources.

To assist teachers to address numeracy across the curriculum and contribute to the development of a broader and deeper understanding of numeracy, we have collated resources from across subject areas into a single location within the content library. 

View our Numeracy in Learning Areas resources.

Our placement diagnostic tests are intended to assess your students against three levels of the Australian Curriculum in a single test and provide an indication of which level your students are performing at with regards to numeracy. 

Once completed, the report will provide a percentage breakdown of how your students have scored against each curriculum level as well as recommend personalised next steps for students.

Placement Diagnostic tests can be a valuable tool for SET Plan interviews to ensure students select a Maths pathway appropriate to them. View our Placement Diagnostic tests.

New Zealand

Our tests allow teachers to get a baseline NZC level and give students agency to aim for the next steps in their learning journey. 

Recommendations from tests can form the basis of differentiated learning for students, using minimal teacher time. They can also be used as post tests, showing clear improvement data for reporting. Students also find this feature incredibly engaging. 

View our Diagnostic tests.

EP has been following the progress of the new NCEA Literacy and Numeracy co-requisites with interest. As more information comes to light from NZQA, EP will answer the call to support teachers with a range of skills lessons and practice assessments that will enable kura to determine accurately if their learners are ready to sit and pass the common assessment. 

Until then, we have created a folder for teachers to use: NCEA Numeracy (US32406)

Education Perfect and NCEA / Year 11 Maths (NZ)

Schools outside of ANZ

With a comprehensive full-suite content solution covering English, Mathematics and Science Knowledge and Skills, EP is an ‘all in one' resource to support students’ ongoing skill development and critical thinking in these core subjects. 

View our PISA supporting resources or learn more by visiting our dedicated help guide.


Built-in Calculator

Where necessary, students are provided with a basic four-function calculator which is built into the lessons themselves. This tool provides students with the ability to engage with this calculator while they are directly working with numeracy-based questions, helping to minimise the need for sourcing a physical calculator. 


EP provides teachers with the opportunity to integrate numeracy skills across other subject areas in a contextual and relevant way.

Click the relevant header below to see more information.

EP Science resources support students to:

  • Interpret, analyse and create graphs that relate to a range of scientific investigations. Graphical skills include supporting students with the development of both computer-generated and hand-drawn graphs.
  • Interpret data using a number of numeracy skills in a range of scientific contexts including calculating energy efficiency, magnification with microscopes and rock density.
  • Perform calculations using formulas by following scaffolded worked examples followed by questions with increasing difficulty.
  • Carry out hands-on measurement activities and calculations as part of scientific investigations .
  • Engage with simulations that provide interactive examples of variable change.
  • Interpret and produce different textual forms, such as graphs, tables and diagrams and embedded Desmos activities within lessons.

EP Geography resources support students to:

  • Develop graphical skills that are directly related to the study of Geography including creating and interpreting climate and population graphs.
  • Develop skills in creating and interpreting timelines.
  • Develop a range of cartographic skills to support learning and engagement with maps including area and grid references, latitude, longitude, and direction.
  • Analyse geographical data and other information using qualitative and quantitative methods, and digital and spatial technologies as appropriate, to identify and propose explanations for spatial distributions, patterns, and trends and infer relationships with dedicated lessons covering these skills.
  • Create maps, graphs and diagrams using the Scratchpad or File Uploader tools.
  • Use statistical skills to explore concepts of wellbeing and the economy.

EP History resources support students to:

  • Create and analyse graphs that allow students to demonstrate their understanding of historical data.
  • Explore the concepts of chronology through lessons that support building student skills in creating and analysing timelines and calculating time differences.
  • Develop key skills, including, sequencing chronology, using historical sources as evidence, identifying continuity and change, analysing cause and effect and determining historical significance with a range of dedicated skills lessons.

EP English resources support students to be able to:

  • Identify how the use of statistics can mislead or inform an audience in a piece of persuasive writing and use this understanding in practice to create their own persuasive texts to produce bias or inform an audience.
  • Understand how the number of syllables and the use of rhythm can help to create a range of poems.
  • Develop skills in approximation and estimation when creating extended response answers by engaging with the ‘suggested response length’ tool within each Smart Lesson.


At EP, we're continuously hosting events and Webinars that cover a range of educational themes. Click here to see a full list of our past webinars which are available to view.

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