How to export data from SIMS

When enrolling students on Education Perfect, you'll need to supply certain information which will allow us to create user accounts. 

This article covers the process to export the pupil data from the SIMS system.

Export your data

  1. Start by logging in to
  2. Click Reports and then Design Report from the drop down menu. Then, click Create a new report.
    design report button examplecreate a new report button
  3. In the options that appear, select Student and then click Next. Choose the On Roll option, and click Next again.
  4. student data button on roll option example
  5. Double click the UPN option so that it appears in the box on the right-hand side. options to double click to add data to selection
  6. Complete the same for:
    1. Forename
    2. Surname
    3. Student ID 
    4. Student email address (if applicable)
    5. Reg Group
      examples of data to add

EP does not store gender or date of birth information, so there's no need to include this.

  1. Click the Next button, and then once again.
  2. Check the box for Use Effective Date, and click Next again.use effective date option
  3. On the following screen, choose Excel and give the file a name. Click the Next button (nearly there!).Excel selection page
  4. Click Run my report. Excel will now open, containing the data you have selected in steps 5 and 6.
    Run my report option
  5. Save the file to your preferred location on your device. 

Once you've retrieved your lists, they can be submitted to the EP Enrolment Portal.

The Enrolment Portal can instantly process files that are submitted in a specific format. For this to occur, you may need to rearrange some of the data in your spreadsheet. Click for full formatting instructions

Alternatively, drop your files into the portal as is and, when prompted, click Submit to Support team. Our team will be in touch as soon as your submission has been manually processed.

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