Logging in to EP

At Education Perfect, we're constantly working to improve your EP experience, and we’re excited to be rolling out our new login page. 

This article outlines the new login flow, and what to do if you experience any errors.

Logging in to EP

We've updated the look and feel of the EP login page, but nothing has been changed about the functionality! You can log in in all the same ways you're used to.


Multiple Student App tabs

If students have more than one Student App screen open at any time across devices, they'll see the below screen. 

The Switch back to this screen button will log the student out of all other tabs and windows of EP they may have open.

Too many screens image

Time's up: 8 hour competition limit

When competing in Official EP Competitions, students are limited to 8 hours on the platform per day.

If this time has been exceeded, students will see the below screen, and won't be able to access EP again until the stated time.

8 hours are up image

Other login errors

Generic login error page

If there has been a core error within the EP platform, you might see this screen. 

Copy the code from the field and provide it to our team for further assistance.

Something went wrong image

Error 404

A user will be presented with the below error screen if the page they're trying to access is unavailable. This could be because:

  • The URL is incorrect.
  • The page has been moved somewhere else.
  • The page no longer exists.
  • EP is experiencing technical issues.

If the problem persists and you’re certain the page should be there, then please get in touch with us (please include the link you are trying to access).

Page not found error example

Error 403

Users are presented with this page if they navigate to an area that their account does not have access to. For example, there are some teacher areas that students cannot access.

If you think you should be able to view the particular page, then please get in touch with us.

You can't view this page example

Log out failed

Users may see the below screen if they try to log out but it doesn't work. This could happen during network disruption, or if the EP site is experiencing technical difficulties.

Users can click Log out again to fix the issue.

Log out failed

Unregistered Account (Google)

If users try to sign in using Google Social Login, they may see the below screen if their account is not linked with a Gmail address on the EP platform.

If you think that your account should be able to sign in with Google please get in touch with us.

Unregistered account - google example

Need help? Feel free to contact our team for assistance at any time.

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