Setting up Short Answer components in EP Studio

Short answer components (also known as Quiz or Auto-marked questions on EP) are a great way to quickly test students’ understanding of topics. In this article, we’ll show you how to set them up using EP Studio!

Short Answer components can be created within Smart Lessons and Pre-Built Exams. See our separate articles for Extended Response components and Information & Media components.

In this article

Getting started

In order to use these components, start by creating or editing content in EP Studio. If you haven’t already, check out our guides to get acquainted with creating content on EP:

Once you’re in EP Studio, you’ll need to pick your section. The section determines what components will be available to you (see our full breakdown here). For the purposes of this guide, choose Quiz (or Short Answer if you’re creating a Pre-Built Exam).

We recommend playing around with templates, but for this guide, we’ll be starting with a Blank slide.

new blank slide

Click and drag your chosen component from the sidebar to the blank slide. You’ll immediately be prompted to set it up.

gif showing dragging a multichoice component into a blank slide

Once added to a slide, you can click on any component to configure it at any time.

EP Studio enables you to move components around and lay them out however you’d like. For information on formatting the layout of components, see our article.

Setting up question components

This section covers each individual Short Answer component and its available settings. Some are more complex than others!

Click the corresponding component below to access our video tutorials.

Multiple Choice

By default, you’re prompted to add two answers. To add more, click Add Option.

  • To designate the correct answer, select the red cross next to it. This will change the icon to a green checkmark. 
  • Answers will be ordered randomly by default, but you can toggle to Ordered if you’d prefer. Click and drag the handle to the left of a question to move it.
  • Use the Settings menu to allow multiple selections and/or multiple correct answers. Here you can also control the width of the choices.

multichoice question settings

Click Done once you’re happy with your settings.

Fill in the Gaps & Textbox

This component type gives you two options: 

  • Drag & Drop: Students are presented with several words they can drag in to fill the gap; at least one of which is the correct answer.
  • Textbox: Students must type the correct answer into an empty text box.

Both types are set up in the same way. Toggle between Drag & Drop and Textbox mode at any time using the switch at the top.

fill in the gaps

  • Write the passage you want your students to complete in the main text area of the window.
  • Highlight a word you would like to appear as a gap in the text, then click the + icon that appears above it.

    – This word will now be replaced by a gap (or textbox) when the student is viewing the question. 

You can include multiple words in a single gap by highlighting all words to be included.

Click your gap word and add Alternate answers and Distractors in the right-hand panel. (Distractors are words that could fit into one of the gaps but aren’t the correct answer.)

Distractors will show for teachers in order but will be randomised for students.

highlight a word

distractors and alternative answers

If using Textbox, you can use the Settings button to choose whether the answers are case sensitive and whether EP marks punctuation.

fill in the gaps textbox settings

Change the Input Language

If you’re creating content for a language subject, use the Settings button to change the input language.

This enables students to enter script or accented characters when working on the lesson. This only applies to Textbox mode, which allows for free text answers.

textbox language settings


Enter your text into the main text window of the component. You must then highlight the words that students will have to consider as correct answers. 

  • Highlight a word and click the + button to add the selection as an option. 
  • Highlight a word and click the tick button to add a correct answer. 
  • You can click Select all words as options to make every word selectable if you wish.

highlight options

Select multiple words for a single gap by highlighting the entire phrase you would like to be included, then click the + or tick button.


Enter the passage you would like to annotate. Click and drag over text to highlight the passage you’d like to ask a question about, then click the + icon.

Next, add the question and answer in the sidebar. Click Done once you’re finished.

annotated question

Textbox options

If you insert a Textbox component (found under Information & Media) into a Short Answer or Quiz section, you’ll find some additional options! 

Here you can access the Dropdown option, which is a variation of a Fill In the Gaps style question. This allows students to select an answer from a set of drop-down options, and can be used as a question component, not just an Information & Media component!

You’ll also find Number box and Textbox options.

number box and text box

Adding a question prompt

For most questions, you’ll want to insert an accompanying question prompt. Drag a Text component into the slide and type your prompt into the box. Use the rich text toolbar to style your text however you like! 

You could also add other media as your question prompt, such as audio or a video.

Incorporating supporting media

You can insert various types of supporting media into your slide. Embed or upload videos, audio, PDFs or images – there are plenty of options! Our Media Gallery has plenty of existing media for you to choose from.

Simply drag an Information & Media component into your slide, and configure it however you’d like. Detailed information on adding media can be found in our article here.

When including media, ensure you are using content that is not protected by copyright. See our copyright guidelines here.

Adding an explanation

Choose to add an Explanation to your slide. If a student answers incorrectly, they’ll be shown the correct answer along with the explanation. 

Toggle to the Explanation tab in EP Studio. From here, you can add Information & Media components to outline your explanation.

explanation tab

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