Updating class details
Changes can be made to class details whenever they need updating. To do this, navigate to the relevant class from the All Classes dashboard and in the All School tab.
Click on the name of the class then navigate to the Settings tab for that class.
Here you can:
Update your class name
Update the set subject/s:
Update the set year level/s:
Update or set a Class code
A class code will act as a unique identifier that you’re able to set yourself. It’s often a combination of the year level and subject of the class and may be something that is already generated by your school information system. Its main purpose is used within our Enrolment Portal where you can update the details and users of existing classes in bulk.
An example code may be: 07SCIA
Note: If your class is managed by an external integration such as Wonde, Clever or Google Classroom, you may notice the Class Code field is locked with a pre-populated value already added. This is added via the external integration and is not something you will be able to update.
Archive the class
This will remove the class from your list of active classes and move this over to your schools Archived classes. You can access these archived classes from the All classes area. More information on Archived classes can be found here.
If there are any changes you wish to make that are proving challenging, please feel free to contact us!