Setting up an integration between EP and Schoolbox
Schoolbox can integrate with Education Perfect, and offers ways to show and assign EP content as well as store EP grades in Schoolbox directly.
This article outlines the steps to set this integration up, which may require an hour so of time from your school’s IT Team or LMS Manager.
How does it work?
This integration enables teachers to embed lessons from EP into the Schoolbox dashboard without needing to log into EP. Students can then work through their classwork from within Schoolbox, instead of needing to log in to EP.
To view results, analytics and recommendations from student work, teachers will still need to log in to EP. Teachers also need to log into EP to assign specific work, although once these are created they can be embedded into Schoolbox easily!
Integration setup steps
At a glance
Key Details
Live App URL for Canada:
Live App URL for rest of world:
1. Get in touch with us
To get started, get in touch to let us know you’d like to go ahead. If you’re not the person who will be configuring the integration, please also include their name and email so we know who to contact with the next steps.
Our team will then send you a consumer and secret key pair which you can use to authenticate with us.
The person who sets up the integration will require admin access within Schoolbox.
2. Install the live App
When logged in, click Administration from the profile menu located in the top right.
Click LMS and then LTI tools.
- Here, click the + button and fill in the details, then click Create Tool.
- Name: Education Perfect
- Version: 1.1
- Configuration XML URL:
- for all other regions
- if you are based in Canada
- Consumer Key: Enter the key you have received from EP in Step 1
- Consumer Secret: Enter the secret you have received from EP in Step 1
- LTI Request Type: Picker
Target: iFrame
- That’s it! You’re ready for the next section.
3. Match existing users to their Schoolbox accounts
If your students have already been using EP without a Schoolbox integration, their EP accounts will need to be linked to the unique identifier Schoolbox uses to confirm their identity.
This ensures any work that students do in EP is stored against their Schoolbox account. Often this is the user’s school email address, but it can differ from school to school.
If we already have the unique identifier associated with teachers’ and students’ accounts, for example because it’s their email addresses, we’ll match up everyone we can on your behalf. We will then send you a list of anyone we couldn’t match. Once you send us the details for those people, we’ll update them as well.
Not sure how things are progressing? Contact us!
If this step is not completed, your users will get an error if they attempt to access EP content embedded within Schoolbox.
Once all steps are completed, teachers are able to embed EP content into Schoolbox for students to complete!