How to export data from iSAMS

When enrolling students on Education Perfect, you’ll need to supply certain information which will allow us to create user accounts.

This article covers the process of exporting student data from the iSAMS system.

Exporting the CSV file

  1. To begin, open up iSAMS and log into the system.
  2. Once logged in, select Student Management / Pupil Management from the left hand side, then click Student Manager or Pupil Manager.

    Student management button example

  3. By default, the Custom Pupil Search screen will now be displayed. Leaving all the fields as they are, click on the Save & Search button in the bottom right.

    This will perform a search that returns all students.

    Pupil search screen example

  4. Once the search has finished, select P/S All from the dropdown and tick the Pupil’s Name (Pre Name) tick box.

    pupil search step example

  5. The dropdown menu on the right hand side of the screen will now be enabled. Select the Exporting & Reports – Export Pupil Records option.

    Reports options

  6. Make sure Create new export using new fields and options is selected and then click Next.

    Export manager step 1

  7. On the field selection screen under Core Data Fields:
      1. Untick either Preferred Name or Forename (Firstname) (depending on which detail should be used for student EP accounts).

        EP does not store any information on gender, middle name, or date of birth, so there’s no need to include this information.

  8. Export manager fields to select 1

  9. Under Current Fields, tick the boxes for Form, Year Group (NC) and Student Email Address.

    Fields to select 2

    Export manager fields to select 3

  10. Under Other Fields, tick School ID.

    fields to select 4

  11. Once the above fields above have been selected, click next.
  12. On the Export Options – Step 3 of 4 screen, select Export to Comma Separated Values (.csv) and then Export File.

    step 3 of 4 example

  13. The iSAMS system will now generate the CSV file and display a link. You’ll need to click on the link and then select Save as to save the file to your computer.

    download export example

    Use your exported files to populate one of our enrolment templates within the Enrolment Portal.

    Once you populate one of our enrolment templates with your exported data and upload this to our new Enrolment Portal, you'll be able to instantly add classes, teachers and students to the platform. Check out Step 2 of the guide linked above for more information on the formatting requirements of our portal.

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