Why does my school require student IDs and/or emails?
Dealing with thousands of student accounts can be difficult. Students can have similar names, nicknames and preferred names; they might be enrolled across different departments this year or in the future. Having a unique ID for each student can prevent any confusion.
Unique identifiers
To make it faster and smoother for schools to quickly enrol students, remove students and move students between classes, we can keep a unique ID for each student. These can either be a student's school affiliated Email or their StudentID.
Depending on your schools invite settings, you may be required to provide an Email or StudentID when adding new students to your school. You can find more information to do with invite settings here.
Checking what Email format your students need
You can check the set accepted email domains that have been set within your school for new student creation via two methods:
- From the All Classes dashboard, click your profile in the bottom left hand corner. Click into School account and then Settings. From here click on the Configure dropdown within Invite settings and then select Student invites. Here you’ll be able to view whether Emails are required when adding new students. Additionally under the Domain area, you’ll be able to see the accepted domains when adding students.
- When attempting to add a new student to your school, if your schools invite settings are set to Emails, you will see information regarding the list of accepted email domains that must be used.
Checking what IDs your students need
It’s crucial that we use a consistent ID format for a school, so if you’re enrolling students with IDs but you’re unsure what they should be, you can check other students that have previously been added to your school. In order to do this, navigate to your All Classes dashboard and then the All School tab. From here you can access and check other students that have been added to classes in your school.
SSO and LTI Integration
Schools that have been set up with Single Sign-On (SSO) and/or Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) use an ID for each student to link their Education Perfect account with an account on the school’s end.
In the case of SSO, this allows users to log into Education Perfect using their school login details. In the case of LTI, it allows us to pass information directly to a school’s learning management system (Schoolbox, Brightspace, Canvas etc).
If the email is not input correctly, your new student will not be able to access Education Perfect through the school's portal. Similarly, if the LTI ID is not correctly set up, they will not be able to use embedded Education Perfect content.