Viewing and tracking student points

You can access points information from different parts of the platform. Let's explore!

From the Student Zone

You will be able to view a scoreboard of your students' Full Year Points for the whole class and school in your Student Zone. 

Once logged in, click on your name on the top right of the screen and click Student Zone.

accessing the student zone from a teacher account

In the Student Zone, you'll see a scoreboard at the bottom of the dashboard. Use the filtering options to narrow down your view.

scoreboard demo in studentzone

From a Competition

Competition Points can be viewed through a teacher created or EP Official competition. 

Once you have navigated to a competition in the Competitions tab, click on the Results tab. Here you can view the competition scores of each student, and use the filters to narrow your view. 

Use the Export button to download a spreadsheet of results.

filters when viewing competition results

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