Adding the Te Ao Māori for Professionals credential to your LinkedIn profile

The Te Ao Māori for Professionals course is a course available to all businesses across New Zealand to boost the knowledge and use of Te Ao Māori

If you've completed the course, we encourage you to share your journey with Te Ao Māori by adding the course to your Education section on LinkedIn

Here's how:

  1. Start by logging in to your LinkedIn account.
  2. Click the Me icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage, then View Profile.
  3. You'll need to add the course as an entry under the Education section of your profile, so scroll down to the Education section and click the +
  4. If you don't yet have an Education section, you'll first need to:
    1. Click Add profile section at the top of the page (just below your profile image).
    2. From the Core dropdown, click Add education.
  5. Next, under School type in Te Ao Māori for Professionals.
  6. Set your start and end dates (you can leave the other fields blank). 
  7. Before clicking save, you can add the credential that was included in your email from EP by clicking + Add Media. 
  8. Click Save, and you're all done! Your achievement is now displayed on your profile. Congratulations on your achievement!

Want to find out more about the EP Te Ao Māori for Professionals course? Check out our guide here.

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