Citing a lesson on Education Perfect

We have some tips for how to cite an Education Perfect Smart Lesson.

The important information that needs to be included for referencing one of our lessons is the name of the author (either "Education Perfect Smart Lesson" or "Education Perfect"), the name of the slide, the name of the lesson, and the date that you accessed the lesson.  

For all in-text citations, it is acceptable to use "EP" after the first usage.

Primary Sources

Whenever a primary source is cited in one of our lessons, we strongly recommend referencing that directly as opposed to the lesson that it is in. Usually, we'll hyperlink a primary source into the lesson. 

Some of our lessons, particularly the older ones, won't have the original source hyperlinked in.

Format for Different Referencing Styles


Template footnote/endnote

Education Perfect Smart Lesson, "Title of Slide", Title of Lesson, Date accessed.

Template footnote/endnote/bibliographic reference

Education Perfect Smart Lesson. "Title of Slide". Title of Lesson. Date accessed.


Template bibliographic reference

Education Perfect Smart Lesson. "Title of Slide". Title of Lesson. Date accessed.

Template in-text citation

(Education Perfect, Short Title of Lesson).


Template bibliographic reference

Education Perfect Smart Lesson. "Title of Slide". Title of Lesson. Date accessed.

Template in-text citation

(Education Perfect, Short Title of Lesson).

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