Edit and Complete a RiskAssess Proforma
RiskAssess proformas help to reduce the time it takes to create a risk assessment for all Education Perfect Science practical activities. Schools with RiskAssess subscriptions have access to our entire library of templates through their RiskAssess login. Each practical activity in EP has a tailored RiskAssess proforma to save you time and effort in preparing your investigations.
This step by step guide will walk you through what you need to know:
1. Create a modifiable copy
In RiskAssess, click the brown Create Modifiable Copy button just above the template preview. This will create a copy of the template for you to fill in and edit.
2. Fill in your class details
Add your name or teaching code in the Author text box and then scroll down to the section titled Classes for Which Experiment is Required.
Fill in the relevant details for Teacher, Year group, Chemical training codes and Scheduling. Review the Equipment/Chemicals to be prepared by Laboratory Technician textbox and ensure it is complete. You may need to add the total number of groups for the lab technician.
3. Adjust the materials required if needed.
Scroll down to the Equipment, Chemicals and Biologicals for Risk Assessment section.
You can remove any items by clicking the Remove button next to each item if you have modified the practical activity or the equipment that is required.
To add equipment, chemicals or biological items, type the name of what you want to add in the relevant field then click Search & Add.
4. Click Generate Risk Assessment
5. Identify the level of risk for the investigation
Carefully read through the risk assessment that is generated and the potential hazards for each piece of equipment or chemical used. Complete the ‘Certification by Teacher’ by selecting either Low risk, Medium risk, High risk or Extreme risk and include further control measures if needed.
6. Sign electronically
Click the brown Sign Electronically button to the right of the signature field. Enter your name in the field and click Sign.
7. Save and hand off to your Lab Technician
This step will depend on the process put in place at your school. You have three options:
- The Laboratory Technician can sign the risk assessment on the spot;
- A digital copy can be emailed to the Technician; or
- The risk assessment can be printed and then signed.
For more detailed instructions, please see the RiskAssess Learning Resources.