Sending Cheers to my students

Cheers are part of our rewards system, designed to acknowledge and motivate hard-working students as they progress through their learning.

How do students receive cheers?

Students will see any cheers they receive pop up at the end of a lesson after submitting their final answer.

Can students send cheers to each other?

Yes! Students can use their earned EP credits to send cheers to their peers within the school, encouraging each other as they complete activities. If you’d like to disable this during class, you can switch off cheers during a task.

How can I cheer on my students?

You can send cheers directly from the Monitor tab in a task. Choose to cheer on all students in the task or select individual students. You’ll also have the option to include a custom message to display alongside the cheer.

Click on the Monitor tab. Here you’ll find the option to Message all, but you can also click an individual’s name to message them. 

Students will receive the message on their end.

Is there a limit to the number of cheers I can send?

As a teacher, you can send an unlimited number of cheers to encourage your students. However, some rarer cheers may be locked or limited. These special cheers require a significant number of points for students to send and are awarded to teachers as they progress through their certification level.

Rare Stickers

Below is a breakdown of the stickers awarded at each level:  

Check out what stickers are awarded at each level in the table below:

Achieving Level 0/1 Nothing 
Achieving Level 2 Comet: x10 
Achieving Level 3 Comet: x10, Dolphin: x10 
Achieving Level 4 Comet: x20, Dolphin: x20, Rainbow: x20, Unicorn x10 
Achieving Level 5 Unlimited Comet, Dolphin, Rainbow, and Unicorn stickers

Rare stickers will refresh annually at the start of the school year.

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