How can assessment results from EP be fed back into Canvas?

Results from assessment tasks you assign in Education Perfect can be fed back into Canvas’ gradebook, making it easy to collate assessment results from multiple sources.

What types of assessments can be included?

Any assessment created in EP (including Quizzes) can have its grades stored in Canvas as well as in Education Perfect.

When do EP results appear in Canvas?

Assessment results will be fed into Canvas upon those results being published in Education Perfect first. Please allow a couple of minutes for these results to sync across to your Canvas Gradebook.

Linking a task from EP with Canvas

  1. Assign a Quiz or pre-built assessment in EP.
  2. Get the Canvas embed link from your assessment (for more information, see How do I get links to content, tasks and assessments?)
  3. From Canvas’s Assignments tab, add a new Assignment. Give it a title and type any information you’d like students to read before launching the assessment.
  4. Under Submission Type, select External Tool and paste the embed link from Step 2 into the box. 
  5. Tick Load this Tool in a new Tab
  6. Configure the rest of the assignment as you normally would (see Canvas’s help site for more information).

Please note that if you do not assign points to the assignment then the results will not display.

  1. Click Save and Publish

Students must start the assessment from within Canvas –  if they find and start the assessment via the Education Perfect website or app, their results will not be fed back into Canvas.

The availability of assignments in Canvas must align with the availability of the work assigned in EP. For example:

If an assessment is created in EP and assigned to a single student, and the Canvas assignment is made available to everyone, only the student who has been assigned the work in EP would be able to start it. If an assignment is set up in Canvas to be available from 8am to 9am, and the assessment in EP is set to run between 10am and 11am, students wouldn’t be able to start the task there.

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