How do I include Peer Review when building lessons?
You can add Peer Review to both new and existing lessons. Peer Review enables your students to see how their peers approached a given question and offer their feedback in a teacher moderated environment.
In this Article
Using existing questions for Peer Review
Navigate to the Tasks section of your dashboard, then click + Assign.
Choose Peer Review when prompted.
In the Select content section, you’ll be taken to the content library. Choose your lesson(s) and click Confirm Selection.
Any lesson that includes an Extended Response question can be used for Peer Review!
Now you’ll need to choose which questions in your selected content students will peer review. Choose as many as you like, but keep in mind the expected time to complete. Again, click Confirm Selection.
Choose how many answers you wish for students to review per question, as well as the type of feedback they’ll give (star only, or star and comment).
You can edit Student Marking Criteria associated with the ratings when creating (or editing) a lesson. See the Setting up new Peer Review questions section for further info.
Setting up new Peer Review questions
In the Library tab, navigate to the My Content or My School’s Content area and select Smart Lesson from the Create new dropdown.
You’re able to add Quiz and Information sections to your lesson if you’d like, however, to enable peer review, you must include at least one Extended Response question under the Extended Response section.
See our article for a full guide on creating a Smart Lesson.
You can now set up your component and the related Peer Review criteria. You have the option to:
Click into the component and add a Model Answer.
Students will see this while completing the lesson (only after they have made at least one attempt), as well as when giving feedback via Peer Review.
Click into the Explanation tab of the slide and use Information & Media components to provide a detailed explanation.
Again, students will see this while completing the lesson (only after they have made at least one attempt), as well as when giving feedback via Peer Review.
Click into the Student Marking Criteria tab to edit star rating instructions, and add Comment Instructions.
Students will only see Comment Instructions when giving feedback via Peer Review, so this is a great place to put an exemplar that you don’t want students to see until then.
Click Save Question, and you’re all done!
Once you’ve finished setting up your lesson, assign it to your students.