Does my teacher certification follow me when I change schools?
If you move to another school, we can move your existing account over too. This will preserve your data and your Teacher Certification progress. In this article, we’ll explain what you need to do!
Switching schools
If you are moving (or have moved) schools, contact our team and let us know:
- The school you are moving to
- Your new staff email address (if applicable)
We’ll be able to transfer your account straight away, and you’ll retain your teacher certification level when we make the change.
Although your account will be able to access your new school’s data immediately, it may take up to 48 hours for your certification level to be reflected at your new school.
If you had a new account made for you when you switched schools, we can still move your old account to your new school. At this time, we’re unable to count work done on your new account towards your old account’s certification level.
Transferring your custom content
Any content saved to your My Content folder will be transferred alongside your account. If there is any content in your old school you still want access to, you should save a copy in your My Content folder prior to initiating a transfer.
Reach out to our team with any questions, and we’ll assist you further.